Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Questions for "Historical Development of the Internet and World Wide Web

1. Broadband service is the key to success for online communication because it is high speed and makes it easier for people to watch videos and it makes it possible to get a lot of information from multiple variety of sources. Socially people are "more likely to create and distribute media content than dial-up users, even though upload speeds are still slower than download speeds." The cost of broadband connection can be quite high for people who are lower on the socioeconomic scale, leaving them at a disadvantage.

2. The World Wide Web opens the door to much wider audience because it is available to people all over the world to see the same thing. Once the internet was created it became the dominant web browser because it was free and you could post whatever and whenever you wanted to. The acoustic world is very broad and not limited and the internet can share info with a huge amount of people at the same time.

3. If the government supported the development of broadband Internet for everyone no one would have free range of whatever they wanted to put on the internet. 

4. Another industry that would benefit from this would be marketing. The marking industries make new advertisements due to whats going on rapidly at that time. They will be on top of anything new at that moment and will send out advertisements as soon as something happens. 

5. A common method of online communication that could be improved is Skype. Skype is a great application for video calling face to face with people all over the world. When I use Skype though it usually does lag a lot and the connection is not good. If it would improve and not have problems with me not being able to hear the person I'm talking to or see them, I think people would use it more and be happier with the quality of the video chat. 

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