Friday, February 21, 2014

Virtual Revolution

1. The web favors the English language because that is what most people speak and is the easiest. But not everyone as a whole speaks English, so the web limits people from using it.

2. Wikipedia is known to be a very fast and very available source for web users. But a lot of people do not like it because so many people from all over can edit and write anything they want on any topic on Wikipedia. People see the information from inaccurate and not reliable. On the other hand people who write on it could be putting some very accurate and useful information. This site is a great example of how peoples ideas come together as one. Wikipedia explains some of the digital convergence because it shows how much the web has grown from where it started.

3. The Web makes it possible for different kinds of digital convergence because of TCP/IP protocol. Technology has had the chance to advance and grow and become quicker and more accessible for people.

4. The Internet can become a huge challenge for the traditonal authority because anyone can write whatever they want on the web and no one knows for sure what is true or not.

5. I think getting information free helps everyone in a lot of ways and can help us get free. You can learn so much from the web and it brings all kinds of opportuinites. The only concerns I would have about having complete freedom with the web is downloading illegally and getting scams and virus through all the downloading.

6. The internet has had so many changes from when it first started, theres things people couldn't even have dreamed of that we have now. You have the freedom to do whatever you want on the web. This creates possibility for digital convergence because people from all over come together to make the web how it is today.

7. The Web is such a essential part of everyones daily lives that it has to be free. Some people would not be using the web today because they might not be able to afford it if it cost money. If the web was not free it would be very limited to people and it wouldn't be able to help people who really need it.

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